

I designed this little number last night for the about section of my photo blog! you like? I do.

I'm planning on adding an about me section here too soon! No worries. And it will be great. 


ignite the light, and let it shine

shirt: roommate hand-me-down, sunglasses, earrings: claire's

 so these pictures are actually from sunday. tricky huh? I just haven't uploaded the pics my lovely mother took of me today in the fabulous outfit i wore to my interview. And oh, I rocked it by the way (the outfit and the interview, of course). And these ones were actually taken by my sister with my f/1.8 lens...I was trying to teach her how to use it and she didn't do too shabby.

Now, for your amusement I would like to share a joke my 8 year old little brother made up and shared with my sister and I at the dinner table this evening as we were munching away on taco salad. He said:

"Two men were sitting and talking, but one of them said, 'I have to go home and do some work.' Then the other one said 'What kind of work?' 'Homework, of course!'"

Get it?

We busted up and were giggling like the little goofs we all are.

 And oh, your dose of cuteness for the day (or errr....night): 

she was picking flowers for mommy.



oh hey. its been a while. goodness gracious. I've just been in such a funk lately....some stuff has happened that has thrown me for a bit but thats life and it goes on. right? right.

 cardigan, shirt: mila, pants: freepiled (ya thats right...got em for free!), headband: no clue? :)

in other news: I have a job interview tomorrow! yay! and it pays good! I'm really hoping I get it. i'll put on my sexy new black pencil skirt that I got from khols yesterday (while I was being a good little grownup and going on all sorts of errands...including grocery shopping for my mama), a cute flowy shirt, some red heels, and curl my hair and i'll nail it!    

shoes: target! they will make a better appearance, because they are too cute and comfy and i wear them all the time.

and now, whenever I'm feeling icky, I'll just remember this picture and how happy I was in this moment, shakin my booty. You are free to do the same. 

I'm going to go back to editing photos and watching the voice/chopped now.