
i don't want a lot for christmas, there is just one thing i need

well hey there. we all now know that sonja is officially the worst blogger in the history of blogging, but she doesn't really care, she's gonna blog anyways. and will eventually get better at it and will have thousands of readers someday. promise. and yes, talking in third person is the new cool thing to do. :)

anyways! since i suck at blogging and haven't really blogged all semester, i figure theres no point really in talking about whats happened and all, just that its been really really long and difficult. but, i'm deciding to look past that and get excited for the new semester just around the corner! i just have to survive through a couple more weeks of class and finals, then i'll be freeeeee for christmas break! which brings me to the whole meaning of this post....my christmas list!!! 

now, i'm serious, there really is only one thing i really need for christmas. all the other things i just want, and could live without. probably. haha. i've had to go through three semesters of college with a computer that barely even works sometimes. and i'm afraid the old thing is at the end of its rope. most of the times i just wanna throw it off my apartment's front porch and let it crash on the parking lot below. so to save my laptop of this cruelty and to save ME from pulling each and every hair out of my head due to frustration, i would like a macbook pro for christmas. since i'm a photographer, this computer is the best. my life would become so much easier and i would be able to get things done in half the time it normally takes me to on my craptop (for reals, it took me eons to just finish this one silly little post). now, mom and dad, you don't want your beautiful daughter to become bald do you? i didn't think so. (i've told my mom that i would be 100% okay with getting that and only that for christmas) but just in case someone wants to get me a little something else, {wink} heres the list:      

1- Macbook Proooo!!!!
2- Mossimo Supply Co. Kaden Tall Buckle Boots (Tan), Target, $34.99, (size 8) here 
3- Just one...or two...or all three skirts haha, from left: Bed of Roses Skirt, $38.99, Tiny Tiers Skirt, $34.99, and Tea Time Skirt, $32.99 all from Downeast Basics (medium) here 

so yup. there ya have it folks. also, a couple other things i would like, and that are definitely a bit more practical, if you will, are a memory foam mattress (or just any foam mattress really) for atop the cruddy mattress of my bed in my apartment in the burg, and a pot, because i have almost everything else but that and i always have to use one of my roommate's (not that thats always a problem, but sometimes one isn't clean or is in use or whatever). and hey, anyone is always welcome to help buy my textbooks for winter haha. 

i go back to rexburg tomorrow morning! i've had such a wonderful and relaxing week at home (besides the fact that i figured out i'm allergic to our dog, even though i've been around him for a decade) but i unfortunately have to return. i got to actually sleep, give my little sister bunches of kisses, get surprised by my roommate who i haven't seen in what seems like forever (only about two months) and another good friend, eat tons of yummy thanksgiving foods, see my little brother get baptized, and watch the traditional anne of green gables marathon with my sister. and that was just the overview of my break....post with pictures to follow shortly! 

what do you want for christmas/how was your break and thanksgiving?