

survival rule #9: always have benadryl on you. at all times.
so the semester is over (has been for like 2 weeks...)
and i officially kinda suck at blogging.
but i'll get the hang of it.
summer semester ended fantastically! even though it was kinda sad...leaving all my favorites. but i lived.
i'm not sure how long that will last though, because this
is me right now. its awfuuuuuul!!! i think i have some kind of curse, because whenever i come home to oregon my allergies flip out on me. and i don't like it. right now i'm suffering painfully from itchy eyes, itchy throat, itchy nose, itchy!!!!! also, mind you, itchy eyes = watery eyes. blah!
but other than that, being home has been....okay. i love spending time with my fam and my friends, but i must say, i miss rexburg. strange?
also, everything is just super stressful because my little brother elijah broke his arm the DAY AFTER i came home, and so now my parents have to fork out another $1,000 that we don't have. but. the important thing is that he's okay. he even had to have surgery, poor guy. his story isn't even that cool. he fell off our front porch's railing...onto the porch.
and i was already stressin about money so now its even harder to breathe.
but i shall not complain!!!
i could, but i'm not gonna.
my parents have been trying to help me figure out ways to get more money, esp since i NEED a new laptop. since mine is a big piece of poop.
and i was lucky enough to help out my friend's mom at her daycare all this week, and so i'm gettin like 200 bucks from that so thats niiiiice.
our family had a garage sale last weekend.
we got a good amount of money from that too, and a bunch of the stuff that we couldn't sell is going to the massive garage sale for risa that's goin on this weekend. (by the way, some of MY pictures of risa are going to be in the oregonian tomorrow!)
well, i'm out.
i would post more pictures...esp more from the semester....but i kinda hate blogger's photo uploading job. it kinda sucks. i will soon though.
oh yeah, always carry benadryl on you, cause well, you never know when the evilness of allergies will come upon you. it has pretty much saved me these past 2 weeks.

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