
no matter how much danger you are in, never leave your cell phone out of sight.

Survival rule #2: seriously, never lose sight of your phone. last night as my roommate roselanni and i were having a teabag fight (yes, teabag fight), my other roommate krisitn decided it'd be cool to give rosie an advantage and they teamed up and cornered me and somehow took my phone. so as i threw the teabag at rosie's face and she threw it back at mine and we both ended up with slimeyyy herbal tea leftovers stuck to our faces, my phone had disappeared. and i didn't even realize it until kristin was already in bed. i madly looked all over the apartment, ripping the couches apart and ransanking my room as rosie was falling asleep. little did kristin know that i had visual media in the morning and had a project due. so she just kept my phone with her the whole night and i did not get it back until after i had slept through both of the extra alarms i had set (since i didn't have my trusty cell phone alarm to wake me up) and missed handing my project in and will now get 20% taken off of my grade because its late even though i had finished the project the day before!!!!!! fetch. apparently krisitn thought it would be cute to put my phone in my cupboard, thinking i would go in there for a snack before bed. nooooo. grrrr. but, i am a kind and forgiving person and love my roommates dearly no matter how funny they think it is to pick on me, so its not as big of a deal as it most definitely could be. :) and i shall remember it forever and will never let either one of them touch my phone again. ever. i know they love me, as they are saying "its a form of looooove" suuuure. haha.

my lovely roommates and i at the beginning of this semester!! D5 girls are the best.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I miss my roommate days. And I'm sorry about your assignment.
